Welcome to Happy Cans! Trashcan Cleaning Service in Oceanside, Carlsbad, Vista, San Marcos & Encinitas.
(619) 786-6424
See Full Service Area

About Us


Year Established, Family-owned

About Happy Cans

Trashcan cleaning service in the Oceanside-Carlsbad area.

Happy Cans is a residential trashcan cleaning service. Our truck visits your residence on-site to clean your garbage bins after they have been emptied by the city the day after trash day. Learn more about the service.

The service area includes Oceanside, Carlsbad, Vista, San Marcos, Encinitas, California.

As soon as we can upgrade the truck with a hyperdrive, we will also include certain neighborhoods in Alpha Centari. (Although that will probably be at a much later date. Sorry Alpha Centarians)

About The Owner

Family-owned & operated, HQ in Oceanside, CA

Josh was Employee #13 of a premier automotive software company. Over 17 years the company grew to accommodate over 10,000 employees. With this great success, the company was sold and you guessed it . . . lay-offs! Out of the blue Josh found himself unemployed with a wife and 5 kids.

He dreaded going back to an industry that didn’t return his loyalty, so it was time to get creative. Being somewhat of an artist Josh began up-cycling old surfboards into art pieces. He quickly found that the starving artist approach would not support his family.

One day Josh was using some of his new-found free time to clean out his own trashcans and was disgusted at the grime and stench they had. The stink would not go away even though the cans looked to be clean. He knew that others would also want the stink out of their cans but not have to go through the same effort to clean them thoroughly.

Josh Reached out to a good friend in AZ that had started a successful business cleaning other people’s trash cans. He just wanted some tips on how to get his cans clean. In asking for some trashcan cleaning advice more conversation was struck up and he began asking his friend about his experience with his business. His friend had so many good insights and experiences in starting up his business that Josh asked his friend to mentor him through a similar process.

So Happy Cans CA was born, a sister company to Happy Cans AZ. So if you move to AZ as so many Californians do, check out Happy Cans AZ and Ted will take care of you. But if you are here in the Oceanside to Encinitas area, check out Happy Cans CA. We will make your trashcans clean and happy.